Scotts Valley Educational Foundation (SVEF)

Scotts Valley Educational Foundation (SVEF)

The Scotts Valley Educational Foundation provides funding for enrichment programs and education materials to enhance the solid academic curriculum and maintain the high quality of education in the Scotts Valley School District.

Scotts Valley Educational Foundation (SVEF) is a community-based nonprofit organization that builds public support and raises resources for quality educational programs at all four Scotts Valley Schools: Vine Hill Elementary School, Brook Knoll Elementary School, Scotts Valley Middle School & Scotts Valley High School.

Our supporters include businesses, parents, educators, students and community members who care about the education of our young people.

Founded in 1983 in response to the negative effects of Proposition 13 on public school funding, SVEF was established to provide funds for district-wide programs. Since 2006, SVEF has given over $600,000 Scotts Valley Schools, based on current needs and focusing on programs that touch as many students as possible. In 2012 alone, SVEF donated over $183,000 back to our schools!

In 2012, SVEF donated:
• $44,000 to provide counseling services at all four schools
• $55,000 to keep the school libraries open at all four schools
• $30,000 to support technology needs on each campus
• $21,000 to build an adaptive playground for our pre-K students
• $32,000 to fund a part-time GLAD coach to train ALL of our teachers

In 2009, the Foundation began contributing to an Endowment Fund to create a constant source of income for our schools. For every dollar raised, 15% is contributed to the Endowment. Today, the fund is valued at nearly $300,000.

We are excited about our always growing Community Partnership Program (CPP), where businesses partner with SVEF and have their logos on all SVEF marketing materials while receiving tax benefits for donating to our non-profit organization.

In 2012, SVEF started the Lynn Beebe College Counseling Grant, partnering with Lynn’s family. This grant provides SVHS students with financial assistance to obtain professional counseling and guidance as they plan for acceptance into college. One of SV’s most beloved teachers and friends, it is an honor to keep Lynn’s memory alive through this grant.

In 2012, the SVEF Christmas Tree Lot was a huge success and all of the trees sold out in a record three weeks! We raised approximately $13,000 from this event.

Mountain Charlie Challenge is an amazing day for riders, families, friends & Community. There are three different routes: 50K, 100K and 100-mile, with staffed rest stops and SAG support, followed by a festive afternoon with a BBQ lunch, beer & wine, raffles and a silent auction. Back To Nowhere is this year’s headliner band! And new this year is a Family Fun Ride through Scotts Valley! In 2012, SVEF raised over $30,000. Join us on May 4th and register now:

SVEF also conducts an Annual Fundraising Campaign, which raised nearly $30,000 in 2012.
Please “like” us here on Facebook! You are welcome to come to our meetings the 4th Thursday of each month upstairs at @Bruno’s Restaurant in Scotts Valley, 7pm. We are 100% volunteer-run and are always looking for more volunteers!

Address & Contact
Street: 245-M Mt. Hermon Rd., Box 150
City: Scotts Valley
State: CA
Zip: 95066
Phone: (831) 438-1820
Category: Local business
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